Wednesday, 31 August 2011

The Stephensons Have Left The Building

This picture captures the most emotional moment for both of us - saying goodbye to Cocky the Cockatoo!! You can laugh but this was our last chance to say goodbye to THE most contrary bird! To see him waving goodbye, plumping up his feathers, turning upside down and bouncing up and down to "who's a good boy then" and then finally to hear him say "Bye" well we were both a bit overcome and left with a bit of a heavy heart.

We didn't leave PNG with a heavy heart though as we had both come to realise that our approach to school improvement (ie to make a difference) would not be embraced by the company. We were able to leave early and travel in the Far East before returning to UK. The problem was that we could not sit back and do nothing when so much was wrong and so much needed doing.

I guess that means the blog "The Stephensons in PNG" is officially over! We have had a great adventure, hopefully done some good, made some good friends and enjoyed the experience. We hope you have enjoyed reading the blog.

Phil and Sandra